Thursday, April 24, 2014

Buddies (April 13-19)

As you can tell from this week's pictures, the friendship between Liam and Brenna has gotten much stronger lately.  They have their moments of jealousy and tension, but for the most part they love playing together.  It is so fun to watch and so much easier to parent!

April 13:  Another Sunday at the Bay Area Discovery Museum.  Liam's request, of course.  Can you tell they were both excited?

Washers on large bolts = awesomeness.

That's Liam's "stop taking pictures!" face.

Big plastic tube tunnel.

Chasing each other around the footpaths.

Saying "hi!" to the snail.

Fun with frog instruments.


Playing around with waves and wind.


April 14:  These bubble blowers are genius.  You blow into them like a whistle and they blow bubbles.  Much easier than a flimsy wand.

And much less bubble blowing for Mom & Dad, since the kids can now blow their own bubbles!

Liam approved!  (But don't remind him of the fit he threw when I first gave these to him because he was expecting a big truck for filling a row on his sticker chart).

April 15:  We now make forts on chairs, not just couches.

We got new wetsuits in the mail, for our upcoming central coast vacation (where the water is still very cold).

Oh that scowl.  She's fairly easy to read.

Playing.  Chasing.  Giggling.  Pretending.  Friendship.

April 16:  Brenna has been fairly clingy (again.  Or maybe that's her natural state?).

She loves accessories, particularly glasses and sunglasses.

She encouraged Liam to join her.

Looking Good.

April 17:  Dadda took Brenna and Liam for an early morning donut run (while I took a work call at home).

Later, they went to the Randall Museum, a local city museum with fun animals and other displays.

Story time at Brenna's school.

Buzz Lightyear, on the run.

And Accessory Girl.

April 18:  It's nearly Easter, so we died eggs.

Brenna was really excited about the idea, until we dipped her beloved egg into the cup of colored water.

She was quickly happy again when she saw the egg turn pink!

No cups were knocked over and nearly all the eggs only took a single dip in color (instead of trying out every egg in every color like last time!).

Fingers got dipped in every color, however.

And then she was sad when we ran out of eggs to dye.

Liam was equally interested in putting stickers on the eggs.

Brenna was more interested in stickers on her hands.

April 19:  Grandma sent puzzles for Easter.

Liam wanted to get right to building his.

And then he watched Brenna work on hers.  Without stealing all the pieces and taking over.

But then they did some together.

We got them dressed and headed out to get some things for our new garden.

Including lots of plants for our new hanging vertical garden.

"Farmer Liam" (as he named himself) was really into the planting and watering.

And we are pretty happy with how it turned out!

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