Sunday, June 2, 2013

Share (May 26 - June 1)

This week was a great one in sibling harmony.  Liam suddenly got really good about sharing with Brenna.  And not just the things he has no interest in, but sharing his most beloved trucks and even his binkies.  He also talks about her inclusively, is interested in what she is doing, and interacts more.  Peaceful coexistence may be upon us.  It's been a long 11 months.

May 26:  Today we went to Taronga Zoo.  It was a beautiful, sunny day.  We didn't get lost driving there (score) and we arrived before it opened, even!

The night before we went, Liam was excited to see the elephants.  Riding on an elephant statue was pretty awesome too.

He told me there were baby elephants at the Taronga Zoo.  He was right!

Both kids really liked the birds and fish, too.  They were so excited about some koi in a pond that they didn't even notice the monkey right in front of them up in the tree. 

Note quite as big as a bear. 

Some friends told me to be sure to see the bird show.  So, we got to the show early and were treated to this view. 

There were lots of interesting birds and they put on quite a show.

Brenna also turned 11 months old on May 26.

She didn't love this month's photo shoot.  She's suddenly very mobile - crawling, cruising, walking and working on climbing.  So sitting for pictures is no longer her thing.  She's got a handful of words now and lots of other ways to communicate.  And today we noticed she has her very first tooth coming in.

May 27:  Liam sharing his beloved binkie with his sissy.  She's always trying to get her hands on these. And up to today, he has majorly freaked out if she even comes near them.

Liam has also been really snuggly lately.  When he's tired or waking up, he's prone to just coming and laying or sitting on us.  He's also full of "I love you"'s and other nice things.  He doesn't want to leave his sister out of things.  

And, of course, Ms. Brenna still thinks that Liam is the best thing on the planet.  She just wants to be included and noticed by him.

There is a nice hour of children's TV shows on from 6-7 each night.  At 7, they say goodnight and change the programming.  The last show is called, "In the Night Garden" and both kids LOVE it.  Brenna squeals and dances and claps when it is on.   

May 28:  Brenna was looking for a bit of attention from her brother.  Pesty little sister.

They were both happier sharing train tracks.

Liam has decided that ice cream on a stick is his new favorite food.  And, of course, Brenna wants a bite too. 

She also tried her hand at Liam's bath crayons for the first time.  Which included tasting them, of course.

May 29:  A box with some new clothing arrived today.  Brenna loved the crinkly paper.

Later, she managed to get into Liam's little nook on the couch in an attempt to take his beloved binkies. He was not pleased with his intruder.

May 30:  One of Liam's favorite things is jumping on his sister's bed.   

And on of Brenna's favorite things is drinking out of one of Liam's straw cups.

May 31:  One of the benefits of getting up before 6 (thanks Brenna!) is seeing the sun rise over the harbour.

Another treat for Liam.  I found a marshmellow bear on my way home from work today.  And he got it because he's been doing a great job with food.  We're trying to get him to try more things and he did a great job at lunch and dinner. 

If you look really closely, you can see the beginnings of a bottom tooth in that smile.

June 1:  Today we headed off to Cremorne Point, which is directly across the harbour from our apartment.  We took the train to the ferry to get there.  We just missed the hourly ferry, so we passed some time digging in the grass at Circular Quay.

After a 20 minute ferry ride, we were at Mosman Bay and there was a playground right by the ferry wharf.  The playground was on sand and full of interesting things to taste.

We walked from Mosman Bay along a path to Cremorne Point.  We met up with a work colleague on the way.  She brought a dog and cupcakes.  Liam was in love!  

We found a second playground with pretty amazing views, just above the ferry wharf.  

We played and had cupcakes and chatted and pet the dog.  It was a fun morning.  

And Liam even invited Brenna into his boat.

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