Monday, April 7, 2014

Work (March 30 - April 5)

It was a busy week with lots of work to be done:  pictures to take, "diventures" to go on, cleaning to do, games to learn, and gardening to tackle.  Brenna and Liam were pretty good sports and are always up for an adventure.

The kids and I headed out for a backyard "diventure" to the donut shop while Brian did a bit of work at home.  Liam has rediscovered his camera and wanted to bring it along.  He took pictures of things along the way, like garbage cans. 

The day was already warming up by the time we got to the back patio of the donut shop.

On the way home, these two were just the cutest.  They were playing and running and mimicking each other. 

Ravioli kept a close eye on their antics.  I had both their bikes and helmets in tow since they decided to talk home.

In order to cross the street with them on foot and all their gear, I held Liam's hand and he held Brenna's hand.  Brenna loved it so much she wanted to hold his hand the rest of the way home.  Liam made it into a game.  Cuteness overload.

Our neighbors, three doors down, were building a skateboard ramp.  So, we spent a good deal of time playing outside with them and the kids "helped" construct the ramp.   


Here are their posing faces when they ask me to take their pictures. 

March 31:  While I was at work, the kids went out on a "diventure" with Brian.  They met a puppy and everyone was pretty excited about that.

They went over to our rental property to check on some work that was being done on the exterior paint and porch repairs.  So they got to explore the backyard a bit.

Later, they helped me with laundry, by putting laundry baskets on their heads and running around upstairs.  Crazy kids.

April 1:  Liam said his tummy was feeling a bit upset, so I broke out the saltines.  

Then we played around on the couch in the living room.

And played chase with the "Dadda Monster", who hides at the end of the kitchen island to yell "Boo!" and tickle the kids as they come by.  Guaranteed giggles.

April 2:  We enjoyed a break in the rain for bubbles on the deck. 

Brenna is slightly bubble obsessed.  We have to hid them from our view when we don't want to blow bubbles.

They were stomping on bubbles, popping them with their hands, and popping them on each other's heads. 


April 3:  Over the weekend, we planted some seeds in this little box to watch them sprout.  Liam was very excited to see that it was already happening.

Puppy love.

And more bubbles.

Popping bubbles on Ravioli.

And each other.

April 4:  A new game is playing with buckets and scoops and measuring cups and water, on the deck (much less mess!).  

And, of course, buckets on their heads. 

Brenna scored a cape, like Liam's.  So, they can both race up and down the hall as caped crusaders.  

A little ball in the hallway.  Liam was made that Brenna was running and then throwing the ball (instead of standing in place to throw and catch the ball).  It's hard when your little sister doesn't understand all the rules.

April 5:  Brenna did a bit of light cleaning. 

Before getting back out on the porch with water and buckets. 

So much toddler fun.

Then we were back at our rental property for a picnic lunch and cleanup.  We were getting everything ready for the first open house the next day, so we had to enlist the toddlers in a little of the work (or, more likely, just staying out of the way while we got some things done).

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