April 20: The Easter Bunny left little presents for the kids overnight.
We decided to not put any candy in their baskets, but instead put a little in a communal basket. They quickly found the candy!
They got books, silly putty, a plastic bat and ball and some other small things.
Later in the morning (after frantically cleaning, of course), we had two other families (with 4 kids 4 and under) over for Easter brunch. We did an indoor plastic egg hunt with all the kids. Both Liam and Brenna really enjoyed it (as did all the other kids).
Once our guests left, Liam reminded me that he had a chocolate bunny that he hadn't eaten. And then ate the whole thing right before his nap. Great parenting moment!
I love to watch them mimic each other.
And play together.
April 21: Evening popsicles on the deck.
With a couple of goofballs.
We have a new dance party spot. It's in our master bathroom on our bath mat with the radio going. Brenna and Liam jostle for position to see who can be in the front, so we often have to turn the mat sideways. And boy do they have moves.
April 22: Brenna has taken to always falling asleep on the way to get Liam from school. It's in the morning, hours before her nap, but she loves that snooze. Even better to get a nap in when you have your tiara shielding your eyes and your wand in hand.
It was Dadda's birthday, so we had pie. And candles.
Happy Birthday Dadda! Both kids sang along this year.
And then there was the usual naked chasing at bedtime. Complete with silly Dadda faces.
April 23: Any place is good for a chase. Brenna and Liam particularly like the little walkway on the side of our house.
To celebrate our second filled sticker chart for trying new foods, we got a soccer net for our backyard. The kids definitely approved.
More bedtime fun. Brenna loves Liam's bed and all his precious bedtime things.
Dancing in Brenna's room at bedtime. Ravioli is, of course, supervising.
April 24: What is better than breakfast pigtails? Brenna loves them.
Another nap on the way to get Liam. This time she put her sunglasses on and went to sleep.

Visiting the school frog after picking up Liam.
Story time at Brenna's school, with a substitute teacher. She didn't mind the change of teachers at all, clearly.
A little naked bedtime reading.
And naked chasing.
Followed by pre-bedtime story bouncing, of course. Nice, quiet bedtimes at our house!
April 25: Photobooth pictures from YouTube's Take Your Children to Work Day 2014. Dadda got the day off and the rest of us got to have fun at work.
There were balloons to chase and whack.
Plus the usual putting green. Complete with free YouTube shades.
April 26: It was one of these days.
There was a lot of full body meltdowns.
Thankfully, Liam and Brenna took turns melting down.
So we had some sweet moments, too.
Followed by a lot of sadness when Ravioli knocked over a new creation.
We don't have a lot of days like this, but when we do, we're happy to make it to bedtime.
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