What toddlers don't love to run around naked? Well, not ours. They love their nightly naked racing around their bedrooms. And naked singing. And naked reading. And, well, any excuse to strip out of their clothes and be naked. Oh to be young and free.
April 6: We've figured out a way to get the kids out of the tub at bedtime every night (they love the bath). It's the promise of running naked through Liam's bedroom, their joint bathroom, Brenna's bedroom, and down the hall in circles.
Even better if Dadda or I get on Liam's bed and tickle them as they army crawl out from under his bed.
Oh the giggles.
April 7: A morning ride in butterfly wings, pjs, and Hello Kitty flip flops, of course.
Lately the kids have been requesting eating at our dining room table! Instead of in the great room. I think it is because they talking to Ravioli through the glass and then climbing around under the table chasing her.
After dinner, we went over to our rental property to see check and see how everything looks (as we're in the process of selling the property). The kids love to play in the backyard over there.
We're loving the warmer weather and longer daylight hours. Post dinner and diventure chalk outside? Yes!
April 8: Popsicles outside on the deck, looking out over our quarry (otherwise known as the dirt pit and toy trucks).
Long day for Dadda with the nonstop chatter x 2 these days. Liam typically talks all day long and now Brenna is rivaling him at chatter.
They can make a game out of anything. Like new bandaids.
Rocking out.
April 9:
Playing in the quarry with his trucks. He's been building bridges and road with leftover hardwood flooring strips.
We've been letting these two play together more and more outside our watchful eyes. We just wait for the screaming to start. After a few minutes, I went up front to see what they were up to. Liam was just about to pull Brenna off the couch by her arm, but the screaming had not yet started.
They had made their own fort out of the couch cushions and pillows. I love watching their play develop.
More naked running. This time with penguin slippers and a book, of course.
April 10: Playing in the backyard with a 5 gallon bucket. Picking clover.
With his trusty assistant. In her favorite "pink coat" (because all coats are pink coats).
She and Ravioli also make good supervisors.
Naked Twinkle Twinkle singing, led by Liam, with hand movements. But Brenna totally follows his hand movements and mumbles along with the tune.
He's been singing Twinkle Twinkle in Spanish. I think that tune may be part of the school spring presentation coming up in a couple weeks.
April 11: A box from Oma and Opa arrived today, with this hat for Brenna. She was a bit grumpy, but totally rocked the hat for quite a while.
Post dinner piggy back rides with Dadda.
April 12: We went to a garden store to pick out some tomato plants to start our very first garden. Brenna and Liam each picked a plant and helped me put the dirt and plants in the pot.
We told them that plants need water and nice talking to, so Liam has been obliging. He can talk to anyone or anything. Endlessly. No idea where he gets that from.
We got some new (washable!) sidewalk paint. The kids loved it. It's even better than chalk! And great when used with chalk!
We headed out for a diventure to check out the Cesar Chavez Day parade in our neighborhood. Liam brought his camera. So far, he really likes to take pictures of motorcycles and scooters (no surprise).
I've been trying Stitch Fix, a personal styling service. My second box arrived today and was a bust, but Brenna really liked the necklace they included. So, I'm taking accessorizing advice from little diva and keeping that piece.
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