Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tickles (March 15-21)

It was an overall happier week, even though there was still some sickness.  We had some fun outings and lots of fun at home.  Tickles always help lighten the mood and bring smiles to faces.

March 15:  Liam had an evening birthday party at a gymnastics place.  Back when I was on maternity leave with Brenna, Liam took classes at this place.  It was fun to go back!

Liam did not approve of the food, since the pizza did not have olives on it.  He pouted for a while.  But then he decided to play around with this hat and his mood improved.

While we were at the gymnastics pizza party, Brenna insisted on pizza for dinner, too.  She she and Dadda went out for a slice.

It was getting late, but we needed dinner.  So, Liam and I stopped for burgers on the way home.  Liam had a lot of fun with this party favor while we waited.

He was making faces for the camera.

And whipping his head around to make a blur, which he thought was hysterical.

So much fun having an evening out with my guy.

March 16:  In the middle of the night, Liam woke up crying that his ear hurt.  He seemed fine in the morning, so we sent him to school.  But he was sad at drop off (highly unusual) and fell asleep during recess (on a bike), so he and Brenna got picked up early and he went to the doctor.  Our little guy never complains unless he is really sick (unlike his sister) and he was really sick with two very infected ears and a red throat.  Since he won't take oral antibiotics, he oped for a very very big shot instead.  He was not a happy camper, but was on the mend.

The tables were turned, and Brenna was the one feeling better at bedtime.

March 17:  Brian sent me this picture while I was at work.  Brenna wanted to show me her shoes.  I worked really hard to get her to wear some green on St. Patrick's day, but you cannot see it because it is her Green Lantern shirt under her gray Wonder Woman shirt under her Elsa dress.  Oh my princess.

I had a late meeting, so Dadda was in charge of dinner.  He got the kids out to get a slice of pizza for Brenna and made dinner for Liam (brown rice, plain pasta and ham).  Nice work, Dadda.

And the kids were in the bath by the time I got done working.

March 18:  It was another warm spring evening, so we played outside before dinner.  Brenna made me dinner - a delicious plastic steak.

Liam was starting to feel better but really tired by bedtime.  He was really upset that Ravioli was in the driver's seat of his pillow space ship.

March 19:  24+ hours into antibiotics and Liam was feeling a lot better.  He and Brenna did a little box driving before breakfast.

Feeling better, but he didn't get out of his pajamas.  But he was well enough to play dead with Brenna.  She was pretending to be very worried about him.

We suggested that she tickle him undead.  But her tickles didn't work.  So funny.  I love to watch their budding imaginations play off each other.

March 20:  Tickles on the couch while I cooked dinner.  Both kids smiling and laughing after a long two weeks of illness!

Oma and Opa sent a box with some prizes from their trip to India.  Both kids really liked this parasol.

March 21:  Brian needed to do some house work, so I took the kids to Children's Fairyland.  This is an amusement park for little kids that was built in 1950 and has lots of story tale themed rides.  

There is a cool dragon at the entrance that the kids hopped right on.

Liam was excited to step down into the whale and ride the big slide.  Brenna sat these out.

We were last here in August and Brenna took a picture with this little girl, so I made her take another one.  It's fun to compare the kids as the months go by.

Brenna really wanted to ride the carousel, but Liam sat this one out.  Can you tell how happy and proud she was of herself?

Liam was much more interested in riding the train.  The teenager working the ride lost track of how many times we went around and we got a 3rd loop.  Liam was so excited!

Brenna enjoyed it too.

Brenna was excited to spot Snow White.  The rumor is that this place inspired Walt Disney to make his amusement parks.

They did some climbing on Captain Hook's boat.

And they each got a turn at the wheel.  Liam was being Captain Hook.  Then he gave Brenna a turn and said she could be captain.  She stomped her foot and said, "No!  I'm Elsa!"

Then I was the big bad wolf and they were two little pigs.


We had lunch on the lawn and Liam was really drawn to this mulch pile.  As lunch was winding down, he invited Brenna to race him through the grass and come sit up in his mulch car.  I love this little friendship.  It is really fun to watch, especially from a bit of a distance.

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