May 25: We went to our neighborhood Carnival parade with Friend Matt! Yes, Carnival on Memorial Day weekend seems strange, but that's how it's done here. And it is awesome.
Stilts, music, old cars, and lots of skin.
Both kids really enjoyed it.
Don't let this face fool you, Brenna was dancing and clapping and having a great time.
Liam was just so happy to be with Friend Matt again.
Just check out that smile!
Feathers, feathers and tigers.
Beads and balloons.
We spent hours watching the parade.
And then Liam got to go in a bounce house at the street festival. Poor Brenna was just a little bit too short (and young, but don't tell her that!).
But she wasn't too small for the skateboard ride!
Friend Matt, his friend Andy, Brenna, Liam and I all got to ride, while Dadda took pictures.
But I think Liam (and maybe Matt) had the best time of all.
May 26: Just a girl and her pink and purple pick up truck.
Surveying her backyard quarry.
Dadda and I did a bunch of garage and backyard cleanup while the kids played. One of the things we finally got around to getting rid of was this bench. Picked up from our curb within minutes.
May 27: The work on our backyard began! Liam was so inspired by the work the guys have been doing, that he did a bit of cleanup, too.
Brenna was busy trying on some new clothes that we received today for an upcoming east coast vacation (we'll need real summer clothes!)
The fashion show ended poorly. She didn't approve of the other shorts I bought her.
May 28: This is how we started off our morning. Liam had his pjs, jacket and monster boots on to check out the work the guys were doing on the backyard before breakfast.
In the evening, when the official workers were gone, our junior crew did some work.
May 29: The sound was a bit too loud at the carnival parade, so I finally decided to get some ear protection for Liam and Brenna. They LOVE them.
They are one of their new favorite accessories.
And Liam also figured out that he can safely rock out without bothering his own ears. Oh boy.
May 30: Uncle Nick, Aunt Jana and cousin Nola were heading into town later in the evening, so we had to do some car seat removal and cleaning. Liam and Brenna practiced driving while we worked. And had lollipops.
Blue lollipops.
Uncle Nick is in town! And reading Brenna and Liam a story, while Aunt Jana talked Nola into a morning nap.
Notice something in a lot of Brenna's pictures? Her beloved polka dot coat. She is obsessed.
Almost as good as a Saturday morning donut run.
We took our donuts to the playground, too, because Liam didn't want to eat his at the donut shop.
Monkey see, monkey do.
She wasn't too sure about the swing. Or much of anything. Thanks two year molars!
Nola on the other hand, was happy to pose and check things out.
And Liam was happy to pose once we bribed him with the promise of cookies from the burrito shop.
Aren't they just the cutest?
These guys are pretty cute, too.
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