Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Busy (June 8-14)

This week was just so busy.  Lots of life to fit in between lots of activities.  We started the week up in Seattle at Aunt Kelly's graduation.  We came home to activities every week night (two preschool orientations and a birthday party).  The backyard work also continues, which added to the running around we had to do.  Then, add in a very busy work week for me and we limped into the weekend feeling weary.  We rounded off the week by returning to the farmers market - we hadn't been there in ages!  And all was right with the world after Liam and Brenna consumed 12 oz. of olives while waiting for their double olive pizza to cook before we left the market.  I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing(?).

After a long weekend of festivities, cousin Gavin spent the first part of the Sunday night graduation party asleep on the graduate.

Luckily, his buddy Liam had cars, rocks, Brenna and cousin Ella to pass the time.

Impromptu car wash. 

Ella was such a good sport playing with her little cousins. 

Girl cousin love!  One of the first things Ella asked me when we met up at the party was if she could sit next to Brenna at dinner.  Too sweet! 

Once Gavin was awake and both boys had a bit of food, the real fun started! 

We were right on the water and some ducks came by for a visit. 

We even managed to get some family pictures taken. 

The whole crew! 

And, I couldn't resist posing these two cuties.

June 9:  Getting her shoes on to play in the dirt pit.

The trench for our pluming and electrical was an awesome place to dig.

Even Ravioli couldn't resist.

We had some fun inside, too, with our nightly chase.

And under the bed crawl.

June 10:  More trench work.

And our girly girl (fluffy skirt, pink shoes, pink hair clip) in her element (playing trucks in the dirt with Liam).

The both found these lace up shoes in some clothes we were supposed to be sending to cousin Nola and insisted on wearing them.  Sorry Nola!

June 11:  You guessed it - more digging!  And look at those dirty kids!  It was a week for two outfits and dirt all over the house. 

A little pantsless dancing on our deck before bedtime. 

More under the bed crawls and chasing.

And a luxurious bubble bath to wash away the dirt.

June 12:  We celebrated our friend Elizabeth's 2nd birthday with lots of yummy cupcakes.

She was pretty excited.

And so were her brother (Lucas), Liam and Brenna 

Liam ate not just the frosting, but every bit of his cupcake.

Brenna just took one taste of the frosting and called it a night. 

Mmmm, cupcake happiness all around.

Happy birthday, Elizabeth!

June 13:  Just walking around in 3 inch heels.  No big deal.

And some shoeless jumping in Brenna's bed 

Plus, some peekaboo with the changing pad cover, of course.

June 14:  Olives at the farmers market on a beautiful, sunny day.

Olive pizza smiles. 

And farm fresh carrots for our little veggie lover.

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