November 24: We headed out early to the zoo for the opening of new playground at the zoo. It was member's only from 9-11 and looked like this at 9:15 am.
It was hard to get pictures of the kids on the equipment because it was so crowded, but they both had a blast.
Then we stopped for a snack while we waited in line for the free carousel ride.
Even the adults got to sit for a minute.
Thanks to Grandma, we even got a family picture on the carousel.
We then stopped by the flamingos.
"Sissy, wait for me!"
At our zoo, we don't have elephants, but we have this cute elephant statute that you can climb on and hug.
November 25: Somehow I totally missed this day. No pictures. I'll make up for it with Lots and Lots of pictures later in the week though!
November 26: Grandma helped me decide where to put up some large pictures I got printed on canvas months ago. One is a wedding picture that we put up in the master bedroom. Liam loves it and keeps asking about it when he sees it.
We also put some family photos in the hallway. Liam likes to point out Liam and Ravioli everytime she walks by them.
All that picture hanging had the kids up a bit late, but luckily Wednesday was a day off for all of us, so it was ok.
November 27: Everyone loves the corner of the new sectional in the great room. Particularly Ravioli. Liam looks like such a dude here, watching TV and eating a snack in the corner of the couch.
We got the kids into the tub while Grandma was out pickig up Aunt Kelly, Uncle Steve and cousins Ella and Gavin at the airport. We knew the kids would be up playing for a while once they arrived and bedtime would be late (again), so baths and PJs were a priority before the guest arrvied.
Silly Brenna likes to drink water from the spout.
We went for a bubble bath to make it a little extra fun.
Brenna was immediately interested in Ella. Luckily, Ella was interested in Brenna too and shared her toy.
Gavin and Liam immediatly started chasing, running, and racing down the hallway.
And then they got into the box of Legos.
And trucks. Bros in the making.
November 28: Thanksgiving morning! The hammering styrofoam activity from Liam's birthday party came in handy keeping the cousins occupied while we did some dinner prep.
Liam used the new dog door to communicate with me inside. Super cute, but not allowed, buddy.
Before dinner, we tried to do a group photo. Liam wasn't feeling it. He pitched a pretty good fit post nap time about getting dressed for dinner. Finally, we finally managed to find a shirt he would agree to wear.
Luckily, we managed to get a pretty good group picture (even though Brenna wouldn't look at the camera and Uncle Kevin decided to be a ham).
And then I gave the camera remote to the boys. Because I knew the photos would be awesome. Check.
Thanksgiving Dinner! With a kids table!
We managed to fill the counter with all kids of food and fill the table with ourselves and our plates.
Much to be thankful for, like opportunities for cousins to play.
November 29: The day after Thanksgiving, Ella was playing foreman and Gavin and Liam were her crew. They did a pretty good job sharing toys. Helps to have a foreman.
And a supervisor dog.
Later, we headed out to the playground.
We had incredible weather over Thanksgiving.
It was a shoes off in the sand at the playground kind of day.
Brenna has stated picking out her own clothes. And accessorizing. We're in trouble.
We tried to get an all cousin photo, but Liam was a super sad panda because he had fallen on the way to the playground, while racing Gavin.
It was this kind of day for him.
We did manage to get him happily on the tire swing with Gavin and Ella.
And then we got all four, but I couldn't get a decent photo before they started to revolt. Oh well.
November 30: Hair milestone: Pig Tails!
Another beautiful day, another trip to the playground.
By Saturday, the kids had all gotten so close.
We realized over the weekend that Brenna is outgrowing her 2T shirts. Her torso and belly can no longer be contained.
Liam learned to play tag with Uncle Steve.
And then I stripped him down to his underwear so he could play in the water. Because I knew he'd freak out if he had to wear wet clothes home.
Liam loved playing in the water (the first time really).
But despite all the playing and giggling, he managed to keep himself pretty dry.
Brenna missed out on the water fun because it was her nap time, but she managed to get some time in with Ella in the evening. Oh cousins. Brenna is going to look up to this girl for a long time to come.
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