December 8: Our elf ("Elf") is still up to his late night antics.
It was cold (still!), but we braved the Dolores Park playground this morning.
So cold we had to put our hoods up.
Brenna was loving the huge slide. She went down a few times by herself, even.
Both Liam and Brenna took turns on the big swings, too.
The baby swing is a bit more trusty for Brenna, though.
More elf antics.
December 9: Brian took Liam and Brenna to City Hall to see the Christmas Tree. It was a big hit. It is decorated in tons of origami cranes.
Brenna is still teething like crazy. She's very attached to her pacifiers, like Liam was when his teeth hurt. She likes to have as many at one time as she can manage.
Hugs and kisses for and from Ravioli. It is so sweet to see Brenna and Liam each develop a bond with Ravioli.
December 10: Bedtime! Which always starts with some jumping on Brenna's bed. And lots of giggles.
Brenna quickly got her jammies on so she could pick out her book.
Liam was less helpful, so we told him he'd have to skip stories. Cue the tears. But once thise jammies were on and he got his book, his smile was back (though his cheeks were still tear stained).
And then after teeth brushing, this happened. Not sure how or why. But ending the day with goofy smiling kids is the best.
December 11: Brenna is slightly obsessed with Annie's gummy bunnies. Liam was too at that age. They are toddler crack. She can eat a whole package in one mouthful.
Liam still likes them, too. But not as much as other things.
Lately, Liam is into smiling for pictures. But it is hard to get one where he is not moving, not talking and smiling. But then it happened.
December 12: Brenna, Brian and I all headed to Liam's preschool for his class holiday performance and party.
Oh the three year old cuteness.
Liam participated in most of the dozen songs, poems and dances.
And he totally stole the show during the dance when he went down the row looking for a new partner because his was out sick. He ended up grabbing the hands of Olivia (on his right) and dancing with her. To laughter and applause. It was precious.
So much cutness.
Brenna was pretty cute, too.
Lots of mornings and after naps, Liam wants to grab his pillow and his lovey and Brenna's baby blanket and snuggle up on the couch. This boy has a hard time waking up.
Brenna sometimes does, too. But mostly because she still wants to do whatever Liam is doing.
Like playing with his trucks.
December 14: I thought Brenna's preschool holiday party was today, so we got the kids all dressed up in Christmas clothing. But the party was Sunday instead. Oops.
After naptime, we made a gingerbread house!
And played with Ravioli
Liam and Ravioli played a real game of tug. With lots of giggles (Liam) and wagging tails (Ravioli).
And some acting like a dog (Liam).
And a snake (Brenna).
And some being snakes together (Liam and Brenna). To have friends in your family is the best kind of friendship of all.
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