Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Summer (September 1-7)

It's typical San Francisco that summer came just as it was leaving the rest of the country.  It was a hot week.  We wore shorts and summer dresses.  We played in the water.  We ate ice cream.  Summer will be gone before we know it, but we really try to savor those warm weeks since we only get a few a year.

September 1:  We met up with a coworker and her family at a playground in our neighborhood.  Then we moved the party to their house - or more like the playground and blacktop next to their house.  Liam had a great time riding his balance bike with their 4 year old.

Brenna tried to follow them around and played some with their one year old, too.

There were cones on the blacktop.  Liam loves cones.

It was getting hot and late so we had to head off to get lunch. 

On the way, the kids started getting restless and our local diner had a wait, so we stopped and picked them up sprinkle cookies to hold them over.  Parents of the year.

After naptime, they did some "hard work" on the wall separating the kitchen from the new great room.  With no pants, of course.  It was a hot day, after all.

And a gorgeous sunset, which I just barely caught the end of from our scaffolding.

September 2:  It was Labor Day, so we had an extra day to play, as I told Liam.  I am not sure who had more fun today - Liam or Ravioli.

We went to Ft. Funston ("fun" is in the name!  how could it not be fun!), a dog park on a cliff overlooking the ocean.  Liam threw the ball and taunted Ravioli by using the chuck it to scoop sand.

Brenna wanted to get out of her stroller, walk and check out all the dogs on the path. 

Liam and Ravioli played and played.

While we followed behind them.

Oh, a boy and his dog.

And a girl and her Dadda.

September 3:  Brian snapped this picture of Brenna having lunch in our newly opened great room.  The wall separating the space came down today. 

I didn't manage to snap any pictures on what was a really hectic day.  Tuesdays now have preschool in the morning and swimming in the evening.  The kids were asleep before I even realized I hadn't taken pictures.  So, I got Brenna asleep.

And Brian got Liam mostly asleep.

September 4:  We went out for another evening "adventure".

Liam said "Hi!" to the motorcycle and then his "motorcycle" gave this one a tire to tire kiss.  Such a crazy imagination!

We have a new ritual where Brenna gets to walk the last block home.  She knows when we hit that corner, she gets free.

Liam often asks ahead of time if she can get out.

She loves to chase him and imitate him.

And then Brian or I always get asked to "be the monster" and chase them down, swing them around and tickle them.  It is quite an adventure.

Brenna has become slightly obsessed with penguins, thanks to the Pingu cartoon that she loves.  She doesn't yet have a lovey, so I got her a penguin to see if that might take.  She's pretty disinterested in it.

September 5:  Our awesome tenant/friend/neighbor/landscaper/dog sitter/house keeper/all around awesome guy gave the kids toys today.  So, in the evening, they worked on thank you cards.  

Liam even offered Brenna a crayon to write on hers.

Liam had such a good time making his, he even asked to draw some more on it in the morning.

September 6:  One of Brenna's favorite things to do is climb the stairs.  She's gotten pretty good.  But sometimes she just wants to hang out at the bottom of the stairs and play peek-a-boo.

It was a hot day, again.  You know it is hot in San Francisco when you can take a walk at dinner time in shorts and a t-shirt. 

We played a little catch on our adventure. 

And Brenna got to do a lot of walking.

And we ended up stopping to get ice cream.  Not a bad Friday night.

September 7:  We went to the farmers market and met up with some friends.  While there, Brenna ate about a dozen strawberries and ended up covered in strawberry juice.

It was really really hot by the time we headed home.  So, we went to a local playground to splash in the water.  Brenna wasn't sure about the whole thing. 

And Liam didn't want to play in the water at all.  So, we ended up going home to have lunch.

And do some more "hard work". 

Brenna dropped her screwdriver out the window, so Liam had to look for it.

Liam and Brian went outside to get it and Brenna wasn't quite sure what to do!

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