Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pretend (September 8-14)

Fireman, "worker guy", architect, and artiste.  The kids were many things this week.  Liam is really into pretend play, and Brenna is into mimicking Liam.  We we did a lot of creative play this week.

And Brenna got sick on Thursday night, which made the end of the week harder than usual.

September 8:  It was a gorgeous sunny day, so we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge to the Bay Area Discovery Museum.  We got there early, so Liam wanted to play with these building blocks before it got swarmed with kids.

Brenna mostly wanted to climb the blocks and toss them around.

Liam built this very neat stack of blocks. 

Brenna played with the balls, too. 

They have some streams with plastic crabs, fish and frogs.  Brenna was not too impressed, but Liam enjoyed it. 

And of course, digging!

A few months ago, Liam thought these plastic fish were terrifying.  This time, they were awesome.  I love how things like that change over time with a toddler.   

This little bird puzzle was popular with both kids, but Liam made a whole story out of it.

The baby birds were racing to their Mommy bird.

Brenna mostly just wanted to soak up the warm sun on another beautiful Indian summer day. 

September 9:  It was a warm pants-free sort of evening, doing "hard work" in Grover undies.   

The kids were with their sitter all morning and had a lot of fun.  You can almost smell the scent of suntan lotion and sweat on Brenna in these pictures. 

September 10:  On Tuesdays now, I take Liam to school on my way to work.  So, Brenna and Dadda took Ravioli for a walk before heading to music class.

And Brenna started her junior preschool class (Spazio Gioco) at the Italian immersion preschool!  She was a little unsure at first.

But warmed up around snack time.

We don't yet have a sitter worked out to watch Liam while Brenna goes to class with Dadda.  So, I worked from home while he slept.  He was pretty happy to wake up and see me there.  We celebrated with some digging in the backyard.

September 11:  Liam has been really into being a firefighter lately.  He had to take his hat and phone on our "adventure" so he could call to rescue people from fires.

He even presses the buttons and says "goodbye!".

Everyone enjoys an evening adventure.  And now Brenna is at that stage of toddlerhood where she always seems to have a snack cup in her hand.

Which is good news for Ravioli, because Brenna shares at least half of her food with Ravioli.

Brenna is not super interested in puzzles.  But she does really like to remove the pieces. 

She is very interested in putting things into cups.  Here she was collecting dried beans in her play kitchen pepper shaker.

Liam was busy being a fireman.  Riding his giraffe fire truck.

And being a "worker guy" too. 

So Dadda could have a chance to be a fireman, too.

September 13:  Brenna's look of concentration.  The salt shaker goes into the cup, of course.

But most of the day she looked like this.  

Poor girl spiked a fever overnight, didn't sleep well and was very clingy.

Luckily, Liam provided a lot of entertainment.  He was happily showing off a new trick:  making farting sounds on his forearm. 

Someone in his preschool class must have an older brother!

September 14:  Someone still had a fever.  And everything was very sad.  So we had a pretty low key day.

Liam was busy being a firefighter out on his "adventure" again.

We did a little art, too.  Liam got his easel, to paint and drew with chalk. 

Brenna got a bowl of water and some big brushes.

She was still pretty grumpy, though.  

So we moved her on to crayons.  Check out that pencil grip.  She's a natural artiste.

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