Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thankful (November 23-29)

It was Thanksgiving week.  And we spent most of it surrounded by family in Vermont.  Liam and Brenna always love time spending time with their cousins.  And the 14" of snow the day before Thanksgiving was an added bonus.

November 23:  Brenna picked an incredible outfit for Liam's playground playdate - new glittery skirt, Elsa tshirt, and pink cowboy boots.  Plus that Peppa Pig.

She's such a character.

Liam was running around with his buddy Georgie so much that I didn't get many pictures of him.  But he had a blast.

November 24:  On the way to the airport and dropping Ravioli off at her boarding spot.  Ravioli was not happy about it, but got excited when we got there.

Blowing off a little steam at SFO.  Twelve hours to go.

Changing planes in Newark.  And annoying everyone, especially each other.

We got in really late and did not get a lot of sleep, so everyone was happy for a little breakfast entertainment.  And coffee.

Playing around before bedtime at Oma & Opa's house is a little different than at our house.

November 26:  Cousins Rowan, Patrick and Jackson arrived in the middle of the night.

And Oma had lots of fun new toys to share.

It was cold, but not yet snowing, so we took a little walk in the woods and around the house.

Just before nap time, the snow started coming.  Liam was so excited to be outside with his big cousins playing in snow.

After naptime, it was dark and snowing pretty hard, so pictures were difficult.  But both kids got out on plastic sleds and went through the dark down the long driveway.  Brenna was especially brave.

November 27:  The kids couldn't wait to get out in the day light and sled.

Nola was a little unsure.

Brenna is a real snow bunny.

Liam was making snow angels and trying to make snow balls in very fluffy snow.

The snow was a real treat for us Californians.

All dressed up and ready for turkey.

Nola couldn't wait for the turkey to finish cooking.

Uncle Nick helped the bigger kids pass the time.

And then, of course, the kids were done with dinner before the adults.  Luckily, they entertained themselves with games and videos.

And Jackson pitched in on the dishes.

Opa and Rowan read cookbooks.

And we all crashed out full from dinner and exhausted from fun.

November 28:  Oma shared her bells with the kids.

Brian and I tried to take the kids out sledding, but it did not go well (lots of crying and kids getting stuck and wet).

We had more fun in the snow back at Oma & Opa's house.

And did a little sledding around their house.

Aunt Jana read Nola, Brenna and Liam some stories.

And Oma let the kids eat the candy off the gingerbread house

November 29:  Brenna really wanted to play with Nola.  But Nola was not quite as sure.

Next year, I bet these girls will have a lot of fun.

During our layover in Newark, the kids found a window to perch in and watch planes take off.

And then it was time to head the rest of the way home.  We have good little travelers, even on an 12+ hour cross country journey.

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