Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rough (October 12-18)

It was a rough week.  Our third week of all being sick.  And by Friday, things were not a lot better, so we went to the doctor.  Diagnosis:  1 sinus infection (me) and 2 ear infections (Brenna and Liam).  But we survived and are on the mend, finally.

October 12:  We ventured out to the playground near our house (and the donut shop).

But went out for a treat of sprinkle cookies instead of donuts.

Trying to get some food into sick kiddos.

Fascinating sugar skull art.

Post-popsicle (for Brenna at least) selfies on the couch.

October 13:  In pajamas at bedtime.

Moods are improving.

Checking out his teeth after brushing.

By bedtime, Ravioli is always ready to snooze, even if the kids are resisting.

October 14:  Liam, Brenna and Brian went out for donuts while I was at work.  Brenna was not happy that there were no purple donuts.  Life is hard.

A little post dinner microphone race.

October 15:  More racing.

And hopping.

And bouncing.

And laughing.

October 16:  It was a hard day.  In a long week.  And we were all felt like this after the kids went to bed.

October 17:  Brenna's new rain boots match her ladybug wings.

Liam completely refused is new antibiotics and was having a really rough night all around.  So, he missed the entire bedtime routine and just went straight to bed.

October 18:  Brenna's social life is picking up, now that she's in preschool.  She got invited to a classmate's birthday party.  It was a great chance for her to socialize and for me to meet some of the other families.

And for Brenna to conquer her fear of bounce houses!

A little evening music.

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