May 19: We coerced Liam into washing his hair, face and body this morning because we told him you were not allowed to go to the Sydney Opera House with dirty hair. It totally worked.
Liam may have been the most excited to go see a show at the Opera House. We saw a children's show called "Swing, Baby, Swing!" Both kids loved it, for different reasons. Brenna loved dancing and clapping with all the other kids on the carpet in front of the stage. Liam preferred sitting in a seat behind the carpet and thought the mime that opened the show was hilarious (though the mime scared about 20% of the kids in attendance).
After the show, we walked around the botanic gardens, had a snack at the cafe, and rode the Choo Choo Express train through the park.
Liam wore his "Opera House Jacket" for the event. He had such a great day, I even managed to get an unstaged smile.
Brenna had to miss her morning nap to join in the excitement. She didn't mind, though she was awfully tired by the time we grabbed lunch and headed home.
That night, Brenna got her bath in - her first bubble bath. She was fascinated by the bubbles.
May 20: Brenna and I are typically up 30-45 minutes before Liam and Brian. She's very happy and fun in the morning and always so cute in her pajamas.
Liam really likes playing in Brenna's bed and with her bunny pillow. He was playing hide and seek (with me and Brenna) among the pillows before I went to work.
May 21: As I was about to head to work, Liam and I set up some train tracks. The trick is getting the tracks down before Brenna can grab them. We usually set her up a little track of her own, but it is relatively futile.
Luckily, Brenna was distracted for a few minutes with a game of peek-a-book with Liam's conductor hat. She just loves peek-a-boo.
Brian took the kids to our local neighborhood taqueria for lunch (a common occurrence). What's better than eating your burrito bowl with a fork? Eating it with two forks!
May 22: I caught a pretty good picture of our new walker today. As you can see, she's pretty proud of herself.
She's also learned to blow kisses. A little boy - her age - on the Choo Choo Express - was blowing kisses at her, so a couple days later she decided to try out that skill herself.
Some clothes I ordered for myself arrived today. When I got home, I tried them on. And so did Liam. He cannot resist a good sequined cardigan.

May 23: More trains this morning. Pushed back on the couch to keep out of reach of Brenna. But she's still very intent on what Liam is doing, of course.
May 24: Brenna was doing laps around the living room area of our apartment tonight. She's practicing her turns while walking. And playing while standing up.
Liam was ignoring her and protecting his ice cream bar, while watching Pingu on my tablet. He's suddenly very into ice cream on a stick, perhaps because he likes this Australian variety, called a "Gaytime".
May 25: Ok, more peek-a-boo. This time standing. I just love this game and so does she.
After breakfast, we headed to Paddington to check out their Saturday market and Centennial Park. The market was quite nice. We picked up a little toy van for Liam with a surfboard on top and food for a picnic. We had our picnic in Centennial Park and then spent some time at the playground there.
After naps, we got some take away (takeout) and took a bus to Circular Quay for the Vivid Festival. The festival basically is light and sound installations all over Sydney Harbour.
We found a seat on the side of the Customs House, which had a light show set to music. Liam went crazy dancing and running around. But we did manage to get a little food into him and the rest of us.
The most impressive display, however, was at the Opera House. It was also set to music.
There were also installations on other buildings - and boats - around Circular Quay. It was a fun Saturday night out. And a rare night out for us. The kids were up late but did great and really enjoyed it.
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