Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sporty (9/14-20)

We played around outside, with balls and bats this week.  Liam is so naturally sporty.  He seems to know how to swing a bat without help.  And loves to play basketball and catch and soccer.  Lots of fun time outside in San Francisco's summer - otherwise known as fall.

We met up with some preschool friends at Off the Grid, a food truck gathering in the Presidio.  The kids had lots of fun playing with our friends' tball set.

Our sporty boy was a natural.

Even Ravioli got to come along!

September 15:  Brenna "waking" Liam up from his nap.  She loves to go into his room, slam open the door, and say, "Boo!" when she gets to his bed.  Very subtle.

Brenna helped me make dinner.

I made her a carrier for her penguin, out of a cloth tool belt, of course.

Jumping around Brenna's bed at bedtime.

Dadda is so funny.  And, of course, Ravioli is keeping guard.

September 16:  Playing around on the deck.

I think turquoise is his color.

Post nap hair.  And our sporty girl.

Brenna is really good at putting together these little puzzles.

She wanted to line up all the ones she did, too.

Liam has been asking a lot of questions about how bodies work.  And lots of other questions.  So, I got him a couple new Magic Schoolbus books.

September 17:  Playing trucks in the backyard pebble pit.

That pacifier is becoming a problem.  It is becoming like a security blanket for her, after many months of only using it to sleep.  Good thing she's cute.

The ever watchful Ravioli.

September 18:  Reading after naptime.  Liam is actually really interested in sounding out words, so we're helping him with the beginnings of learning words.

It was a day where we had to rely on Carnation Instant Breakfast to get a little food in their bellies.

Tickles with Dadda.

Fun in the bubble bath.

Building blocks and bubbles.

Some nights they never want the bath time to end.

September 19:  Liam wanted skis.  So, I took apart a cardboard box and made two sets of skis.

We decided it was easier to ski with shoes on.  But pants were optional.

September 20:  We spent the morning at the market.  And got balloon animals!

Liam really enjoyed his pizza.  And raspberries.  And chocolate croissant.  It's an eating adventure at the farmer's market.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Busy (September 7-13)

Oh, it was a busy week.  Work has been really busy for me.  The kids are busy with school.  And Brian has been managing the building of our new apartment and lots of other things that have to get done around the house.  Plus, we did some entertaining, which meant cleaning and prep and hosting.  We managed to squeeze in a lot of fun, but not a lot of photos.

September 7:  We met up with some friends at Sonoma's Train Town!

Train town has a 1:4 scale train that goes on a 20 mile course through the park and a bunch of other rides and entertainment for little ones.  

Brenna and Liam loved pushing the buttons and nobs on some old arcade games while we waited for our friends to arrive. 

Popcorn on a little coin operated car ride. 

The Scrambler!  This was a 1 parent to 2 kids kind of a ride.

This ride went fast and spun around.  Brian rode with Brenna and Liam.  I wasn't sure it would go well, particularly because Brenna tends to get car sick easily (and did on the way to train town).  But both kids - and Brian - loved it! 

I went on a dragon roller coaster with Brenna and Liam rode with his buddy, Rex.  It was wooden, bumpy, and pretty fast.  But again the kids loved it!  And Brenna also wanted to do the ferris wheel with me.  I even taught her to put her arms above her head and yell, "Wheeeeee!" at the highest points.

September 8:  Lounging on the upstairs deck with Dadd and Brenna's baby.  

You'll see a lot of pacifiers in this week's pictures.  Brenna had a hard week - again - with lots of anxiety from her school transition, teething and a little bit of not feeling well (related to the anxiety and teething, perhaps).

After bath towel burritos!  Wrap them up and watch them try to walk around and not fall over and hurt themselves.  Fun for all!

September 9:  Buzz Lightyear, ready for stories at bedtime in Brenna's bed.

Funny faces from our sparkly supergirl.

September 10:  Busy week and I had nothing prepared to make for dinner.  So, Liam and Brian went out to pick up some takeout.  I stayed home and played puzzles and got in a little quality time with my super sad and clingy Brenna.  She's getting pretty good at these puzzles!

But lots of smiles when Dadda blows up balloons and then lets the air out to make funny noises and blow all over Liam and Brenna!

September 11:  Pacifiers and a swing chair and a melancholy Brenna.

We spent some time picking up leaves in the backyard.  We hadn't done that in a couple weeks, which made it a really big task.  Fun fact:  Avocado trees shed a lot of leaves!  Liam was a great helper.

Brenna was a great entertainer.

September 12:  Monkey see, monkey do.

Siblings and pals snuggled up in the backyard chair.

September 13:  Fun with bubble wrap!  Man is it fun to dance on bubble wrap.  And wear it.  And do a million things with it. 

We had friends over in the morning, which meant we had to do a lot of cleaning and prep.  And then hosting.  And the kids were great, but didn't have the greatest time that day.  So, we decided to take them out after dinner, keep them up late, and fill them up with sugar.  There's a new place in the neighborhood where you can get a custom ice cream sandwich (choice of cookies, ice cream, and topping for the outside).  Day made!